KFN Travel Guide

Galer­as Pac­fico

Galer­as Pac­fico is one of the most successful Shopping Mall in Argentina. It was declared National Historic Monument for its architecture of undeniable artistic value and its impressive murals.

Located in Florida and Córdoba, one of the most traditional corners of the City of Buenos Aires, Galer­as Pac­fico receives monthly more than 900,000 people of a high socioeconomic and cultural level.

It has an area of ‚‚11,000 m2 and more than 150 premises and stands of leading brands, as well as a food court with more than 18 different gastronomic proposals among which, around noon, around 8,000 people choose.

These and other reasons make Galer­as Pac­fico an ideal place to visit, admire and buy.

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