
Lying between the Waitemata Harbour and Auckland‚s lower CBD, Britomart is a 6.5-hectare waterfront precinct of heritage buildings, new developments and open and intimate public spaces. It is immediately adjacent to Auckland‚s main transport hub, Britomart Transport Centre.

The area has a rich‚ history‚ as Auckland‚s first mercantile centre and is home to one of the largest concentrations of heritage buildings in the city. After a long period of neglect in the 1980s and 90s, Britomart has been given a new lease of life by its long-term owners, The Britomart Group.

Today Britomart is a busy and diverse mix of restaurants, bars, boutiques, offices and services, with over 100 businesses now in the precinct. Britomart continues to grow and evolve as more and more people and companies join the community.

By 2017, there will be close to 250 businesses based here contributing to the 24/7 buzz of Britomart.