KFN Travel Guide

Athens Heart Mall

Heart is a multi-level commercial and entertainment centre with a total surface of about 20,000 sq metres. The fame of Athens Heart is identified with the reputation of major national and international brands that the mall houses. This mall is recommended for shopping to one‚s heart content on account of the world-class merchandise in such different categories as kid‚s, men‚s, women‚s, fashion, accessories, sports, household, technology, art, etc. The open terrace commanding spectacular views of the Lycabetus Hill and the Acropolis is a trademark of Athens Heart. Offering a refreshing break from shopping and strolling around the mall is the in-house dining and entertainment space.

4 levels with designer fashion stores with technology & home items, the ATHENS HEART Mall is the ultimate shopping experience.‚ In addition, each visitor ATHENS HEART Mall, can now, in an attended area of ‚‚1500 square meters, at level 0, to find the well-known quality and service SKLAVENITI, combined with offers on branded products and competitive prices to private label products.

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