El Dorado

The “El Dorado” Shopping Center began to be built in early 1998, after having conducted a market study to see the feasibility of the business.

Its inauguration was planned in a year due to Hurricane Mitch, it was postponed a year and a half later and finally it was inaugurated in June of 1999. The company is called Inversiones Comerciales e Industriales, SA and its commercial name is El Dorado Shopping Center.

The idea of ‚‚creating this Shopping Center was created with the purpose of having a solid patrimony for the partners of this company so to form a business that would offer multiple services and activities for its renters and general public and at the same time contribute to the opening of sources Of work in the country.

It is planned in the short term to expand its services with the construction of the Food Court and expansion of the parking lot, in order to provide a quality service to all its visitors.