
New Zealand’s oldest‚ shopping centre‚ opened‚ it’s doors in‚ 1963 and has steadily grown since, boasting‚ a healthy stock of 121 stores. If you haven’t visited it in a while, its well worth a look – with its newly renovated Brickworks dining lane and cinema precinct, Lynn‚ mall‚ ‚ has a fresh new face.

The food options make for a great addition to any serious shopping spree, giving you the chance to rest your feet and recharge.‚ Dine inside or outside‚ in the‚ romantic,‚ fairy-lit, tree-lined courtyard then‚ pop back through to the mall’s many stores.‚ The name Brickworks comes from New Lynn’s ceramic heritage in the‚ industrial days, and the use of‚ real bricks recycled from those days‚ adds an authentically‚ rustic feel to the whole experience.